Great Grand Parents
James and Mary
(Cole) Atwood
50 th
Oct 1907 Humboldt Standard
One of the most unique golden weddings ever celebrated in this city was that
of Mr. and Mrs. James Atwood, which occurred at their home Thursday, October 10,
1907. This day has been looked forward to with more than ordinary interest, not
only by this estimable couple, but by their children as well. Once more Father,
mother, brother, sister, were reunited under one roof, and vividly were the
scenes and happenings of long ago recalled.
The five children were present as follows: Mrs. Anna Wilkinson, of Auburn;
Rev. W. C. Atwood of Brookfield, Missouri; J. E. Atwood, of Beaver City; and
Chas. W. Atwood and Ben Atwood, of this place.
As the family were seated about the table Mrs. Chas. Atwood read a most
touching and appropriate poem, prepared for this anniversary day, covering the
principle points in the life's history of Mr. and Mrs. Atwood. Will Atwood in a
few well chosen words, in behalf of those present, presented the father and
mother with a few handsome presents, among them a solid gold sunburst broach set
with pearls, a gold mounted umbrella, and a gold clock. The company then joined
in the singing of that old and beautiful refrain, "Blessed Be the Tie That
Bind." Mr. Atwood then arose from his seat at the table, and said that while he
was not gifted in reciting poems or in making addresses, he would try to carry
out his part of the program and placed on the plate of each of his children a
check for one-thousand dollars, one hundred dollars in gold was given to his
wife and each relative present was presented with a ten dollar gold piece. It
is needless to say the surprise was complete.
Covers were laid for fourteen, and an excellent English dinner was served.
The bride and groom of fifty years ago were seated under the archway of the
door, from which was suspended a banner, with 1857-1907 placed upon it. The
rooms were prettily decorated throughout, the color scheme of gold and white
being artistically carried out, yellow dahlias, nasturtium and bunting being
used profusely.
Not until late in the evening did the guests depart for their homes, having
spent one of the most memorable days in their lives.
Mr. James Atwood and Miss Mary Cole were united in marrage October 10, 1857,
at Trenton, New Jersey, two years after Mrs. Atwood had come to this country from
her native land, England. Mr. Atwood also spent his childhood days in England.
Thirty-eight years ago Mr. Atwood and his wife came to Nebraska, settling on a
farm near Humboldt, which was their home until a few years since, when they
retired from farm life and moved to their city property on Edwards street.
The Standard takes pleasure in joining their many friends in wishing Mr. and
Mrs. Atwood many years of life amongst the surroundings they have known so long
and loved so well.
The following lines are a part of the poem above mentioned: " All along their
pleasant journey streaked with sunshine and with shadow. They have hand in
hand together, climbed the hills for clearer vision. Where, sometimes in
favored moments, They have seen, by faith the temples of the fair eternal
city. Where their loved ones now are waiting.
By the placid, crystal river, flowing onward and forever.
Now when silver hairs are gathered and the eyes are one with watching, when
the step is slow, uncertain, and the dreams of youth have faded when the day
of faith is brighter and the joy of service sweeter, we've come, dear friends
to cheer you, and to offer kindly greeting on the milestone of this journey
on this tenth day of October."
Note: I think this poem was composed by Anna Wilkinson
email Jim
SCUBA Genealogy
Family Radio
Trips Ranching
Atwood Family History,
Anniversaries of Atwood family, James Ellsworth Atwood, Mary
Cole, Anniversary, Mound Cemetery, Humboldt, Richardson
County, Atwood, Richardson County, Stringfield Genealogy |